- May 15 Mon 2006 19:49
- May 06 Sat 2006 14:47
自從英靈殿跳脫出來重組 "月夜晚風" 這個公會以來,
三週....僅用了三週的時間便開始站上了 SERVER 第一的位置,
第一個推倒 BWL 一王、二王、三王~~~ 以至於現在....
- May 05 Fri 2006 19:11
怎麼說好呢~~~ 有感而發吧....
- Mar 24 Fri 2006 12:36
前進 MC
- Mar 24 Fri 2006 12:28
最難過的,是不知道怎麼幫上手....ㄚ我又很笨拙的不知道怎麼表示關心 >"<
唉~~~ 不過看到她身邊很多人在照顧她也就好了。
- Feb 16 Thu 2006 00:43
APBC 2006
來到台北參加國際性的大型研討會 -- Asia Pacific Bioinformatic Conferance 2006
已經到了第三天,Conferance 的部分算是結束了,很深刻的一個感覺 -- 自己的英文好濫 >"<
聽正統的英文演講已經非常吃力,輪到日本人、韓國人跟香港人口音較重的時候,更是完全呈現 "鴨子聽雷" 狀態.... 又不能睡給他看,所以覺得特別累 QQ
發覺生物資訊這一塊領域很多 IT 背景的人,講到程式..公式..語法....又是一陣天旋地轉,我的媽押~~~ 生物背景的人還真的是少之又少
- Jan 15 Sun 2006 15:47
哇~~~ 不知不覺過了一個學期
天啊~~~ 時間過的真快,轉眼一個學期過去了
我這個不負責任的版主也得 "有始有終" 的來 PO 一篇文章 :P
最近 "好" 一陣子變成實驗室的話題人物,不管什麼話題繞一繞都會跑到我身上 Orz
不過我也樂的自比是實驗是開心果就是了,大家都快樂就好了嘛 ~~~
不知道會持續多久 XD
- Sep 26 Mon 2005 19:23
(D)RNA = (Deoxy)ribose nucleic acid
It has 3 components:
- a nitrogenous base : purine (A,G) or pyrimidine (T,C) is linked at position 1 on a pentose sugar.
- a sugar : DNA has 2'-deoxyribose where as RNA has ribose (OH group at potition 2 on pentose ring).
- and a phosphate : The sugar can be linked by its 5' position to a phosphate group or 3' position to next nucleic acid's phosphate. (direction : 5' --> 3')
*DNA contains A,G, C, T, while RNA contains A, G, C, U.
DNA is a double heliex : Base pairing (A=T;G≡C), Complementary, Antiparallel
A helix is said to be right-handed if the turns runs clockwise along the helical axis.
The sugar-phosphate backbone is on the outside and carries negative charges on the phosphate groups. When DNA is in solution in vitro, the charges are neutralized by the binding of metal ions, typically by Na+.
- Sep 20 Tue 2005 21:37
GeneVIII Ch1.1.1~4
The genome is the complete set of sequences in the genetic material of an organism. It includes the sequence of each chromosome plus any DNA in organelles. 基因體是指整個生物體的遺傳物質,包含染色體序列以及組成蛋白質。ex. In human, include (1) nulcear genome, (2) mitochondria genome.
A gene (cistron) is the segment of DNA specifying production of a polypeptide chain; it includes regions preceding and following the coding region (leader and trailer) as well as intervening sequences (introns) between individual coding segments (exons). Thus a gene is a sequence of DNA that codes for an RNA; in protein-coding genes, the RNA in turn codes for a protein. 基因最簡單的定義就是一段可以轉譯出 RNA 且此 RNA 可以轉錄出蛋白質的 DNA 片段。
An allele is one of several alternative forms of a gene occupying a given locus on a chromosome. 對偶基因指的是一些在染色體上相對的基因。
A locus is the position on a chromosome at which the gene for a particular trait resides; a locus may be occupied by any one of the alleles for the gene. Locus 指的是基因位在染色體上的位置。
GENE VIII 第一章 genes are DNA -- 開宗明義的指出 DNA 為遺傳物質。
- Sep 12 Mon 2005 18:03
上個禮拜的研討會 (BIT2005) 雖然我們只是協辦,可是到後來卻搞的好像我們是主辦一樣,弄得幾個人好累~~~ 卻又被老闆念,說我們花的時間跟精力實在是太多,真的是吃力不討好啊。 >"<
這次研討會我也貼出了生平第一張 Poster ,也算是學到了一個經驗,不過之前在趕 Data 的累....也是個深刻的體驗就是了......